It’s been a whirlwind week! On Wednesday, I was the director of CAMP. Say...
Category Results
Tweet Tales Tuesday Week 261
Last week, I talked about the project for the grant my brother won, so...
Tweet Tales Tuesday Week 260
Oh dear. It’s now been TWO MONTHS since my last post. That’s...
Tweet Tales Tuesday Week 259 + Book Release
Gah! I'm doing a terrible job keeping up with my 15 Minute Tweet...
Tweet Tales Tuesday Week 258
Oops, I kind of missed the 15 Minute Tweet Tales target yesterday....
Happy July 4th + Tweet Tales Tuesday Week 257
Happy 4th of July! I hope you’ve had a fantastic day celebrating...
Tweet Tales Tuesday Week 256
Oops, I missed a Tweet Tales post again last week. I was frantically...
Tweet Tales Tuesday Week 255
This week I’ve been writing a short screenplay to apply for the SC...
Tweet Tales Tuesday Week 254
I've had a lot of stuff going on the past few weeks, so I got behind...
Tweet Tales Tuesday Week 253
On Saturday I went to a screenwriting workshop given by Peter Fox. It was...
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