10/16 – The guards only pretend to do rounds during hyetal weather, giving Tim a perfect way to rescue his wife. Sucks about the six month drought.
10/17 – The effluvium preceding the Devil's visits frustrates Kim; she can't wash the smell from her clothes. Drawback of dating the king of hell.
10/18 – She thought she'd found someone special when he wrote her anacreontic poems. Turns out he was recycling them, plus they were plagiarized.
10/19 – She got an F on her orrery because it had an extra planet: a hidden one only her parents knew about because it was where they were born.
10/20 – He swore he'd protect his sister, but when the zombies broke through, he gave her a recreant push, creating a diversion for his escape.
10/21 – She had divers excuses for missing the deadline, none of which mentioned the hundred grand a rival company gave her to drag her feet.
10/22 – The strip club wasn't the milieu where she'd dreamed of getting engaged, but he loved her (well, her body) & she loved him (well, his money).
Play along and write tweet tales for the above words. If you’re willing to share, post them on twitter with the hashtag #15tt or add them below in the comments because I’d love to read them. Any thoughts about this week's tweet tales or #15tt words?

10/16 – The guards only pretend to do rounds during hyetal weather, giving Tim a perfect way to rescue his wife. Sucks about the six month drought.
10/17 – The effluvium preceding the Devil's visits frustrates Kim; she can't wash the smell from her clothes. Drawback of dating the king of hell.
10/18 – She thought she'd found someone special when he wrote her anacreontic poems. Turns out he was recycling them, plus they were plagiarized.
10/19 – She got an F on her orrery because it had an extra planet: a hidden one only her parents knew about because it was where they were born.
10/20 – He swore he'd protect his sister, but when the zombies broke through, he gave her a recreant push, creating a diversion for his escape.
10/21 – She had divers excuses for missing the deadline, none of which mentioned the hundred grand a rival company gave her to drag her feet.
10/22 – The strip club wasn't the milieu where she'd dreamed of getting engaged, but he loved her (well, her body) & she loved him (well, his money).
Play along and write tweet tales for the above words. If you’re willing to share, post them on twitter with the hashtag #15tt or add them below in the comments because I’d love to read them. Any thoughts about this week's tweet tales or #15tt words?