This week started with a crisis in tweet tale land – no word of the day! Since my word-a-day calendar is actually from last year, there was no February 29th to be found. But since this is the one resolution I’ve managed to maintain, I didn’t want to skip a day even if I didn’t have an official word. So in honor of leap day, I declared ‘leap’ to be the #15tt word of the day.
As for the words that did come in the calendar for this week, how awesome is the word slumgullion? So fun to say! Unfortunately, since the definition is ‘a meaty stew,’ I don’t think there will be many opportunities to work it into casual conversation.
And without further ado, here are the 15 Minute Tweet Tales for this week:
2/29 – I watch her leap around in a pink tutu: more comical than graceful, but my wife always wanted 2 B a ballerina & can now afford lessons.
3/1 – The acedia crept in turning everything grey – muting smell, muffling sound, dampening emotion – until her life faded away to nothing.
3/2 – The love he felt for her burst forth as an impromptu song. The barista had 911 on speed dial to report a restraining order violation.
3/3 – “Forget fava beans & chianti, I’ve found slumgullion to be the best way to prepare liver,” he told the regrettably pushy census taker.
3/4 –So disgusted by the polemic each side waged against the other, Tara decided to run. Others must have agreed, since she won with no $$.
3/5 – After months of bootless begging 4 a car, I squeal when Dad covers my eyes & guides me outside. He points to a bike. I kick his shin.
3/6 – I reiterate that my daughter’s not mature enough 4 a car, then point out a bike. My injured leg proves I was right about her maturity.
You probably noticed a similarity to the tweet tales from the 5th and the 6th…. When the word reiterate came up today, it really seemed to fit with the bootless begging from yesterday. So I thought it would be fun to write a companion tweet tale from the dad’s point of view. Did he really play a mean trick on his daughter by covering her eyes to make her think she was getting a car? Or was it just a melodramatic teen trying to make her reasonable dad seem like the bad guy? As with most conflicting accounts, the truth undoubtedly lies somewhere in the middle.
Play along and write tweet tales for the above words. If you’re willing to share, post them on twitter with the hashtag #15tt or add them below in the comments because I’d love to read them.
This week started with a crisis in tweet tale land – no word of the day! Since my word-a-day calendar is actually from last year, there was no February 29th to be found. But since this is the one resolution I’ve managed to maintain, I didn’t want to skip a day even if I didn’t have an official word. So in honor of leap day, I declared ‘leap’ to be the #15tt word of the day.
As for the words that did come in the calendar for this week, how awesome is the word slumgullion? So fun to say! Unfortunately, since the definition is ‘a meaty stew,’ I don’t think there will be many opportunities to work it into casual conversation.
And without further ado, here are the 15 Minute Tweet Tales for this week:
2/29 – I watch her leap around in a pink tutu: more comical than graceful, but my wife always wanted 2 B a ballerina & can now afford lessons.
3/1 – The acedia crept in turning everything grey – muting smell, muffling sound, dampening emotion – until her life faded away to nothing.
3/2 – The love he felt for her burst forth as an impromptu song. The barista had 911 on speed dial to report a restraining order violation.
3/3 – “Forget fava beans & chianti, I’ve found slumgullion to be the best way to prepare liver,” he told the regrettably pushy census taker.
3/4 –So disgusted by the polemic each side waged against the other, Tara decided to run. Others must have agreed, since she won with no $$.
3/5 – After months of bootless begging 4 a car, I squeal when Dad covers my eyes & guides me outside. He points to a bike. I kick his shin.
3/6 – I reiterate that my daughter’s not mature enough 4 a car, then point out a bike. My injured leg proves I was right about her maturity.
You probably noticed a similarity to the tweet tales from the 5th and the 6th…. When the word reiterate came up today, it really seemed to fit with the bootless begging from yesterday. So I thought it would be fun to write a companion tweet tale from the dad’s point of view. Did he really play a mean trick on his daughter by covering her eyes to make her think she was getting a car? Or was it just a melodramatic teen trying to make her reasonable dad seem like the bad guy? As with most conflicting accounts, the truth undoubtedly lies somewhere in the middle.
Play along and write tweet tales for the above words. If you’re willing to share, post them on twitter with the hashtag #15tt or add them below in the comments because I’d love to read them.