Tweet Tales Tuesday Week 75
June 25, 2013
15 Minute Tweet TalesI got stuck on the 24th and had a tough time coming up with a tweet tale, so I decided to break out of my usual mold and try a poem again. Not a haiku this time, instead the a-b-a-b rhyming kind I wrote in middle school. I assume there’s a name for it, but I’m feeling too lazy to google it. And as my haiku proved, I’m better off sticking with the prose thing, but it’s fun to play with words in new ways.
Here are my 15 Minute Tweet Tales for the week:
6/19 – Swimming as kids. First kiss on the banks. Married on a dock. All her memories of him were potamic. She spread his ashes on the water.
6/20 – The young girl idolizes the sprezzatura of the Olympic gymnasts. Ten years later she soars through the air to win gold and inspire others.
6/21 – Their pridian antics land them in the principal's office this morning. He longs for the days of the paddle as he lectures them yet again.
6/22 – Tim didn't want to be one of Tony's myrmidons, but he helped hold Eugene's head in the toilet, mentally chanting, 'Better him than me.'
6/23 – She reported his crimes, sharing enough to keep him in jail for years, but she kept the gravamen to herself: he didn't love her back.
6/24 – Emption relieved her stress,
so she did it more and more;
but it left her credit a mess,
so she married a rich bore.
6/25 – He cultivates a mithridatism to antifreeze because his wife says it's a perfect murder weapon. When she finally snaps, she uses a gun.
Play along and write tweet tales for the above words. If you’re willing to share, post them on twitter with the hashtag #15tt or add them below in the comments because I’d love to read them. Any thoughts about this week's tweet tales or #15tt words?
15 Minute Tweet TalesI got stuck on the 24th and had a tough time coming up with a tweet tale, so I decided to break out of my usual mold and try a poem again. Not a haiku this time, instead the a-b-a-b rhyming kind I wrote in middle school. I assume there’s a name for it, but I’m feeling too lazy to google it. And as my haiku proved, I’m better off sticking with the prose thing, but it’s fun to play with words in new ways.
Here are my 15 Minute Tweet Tales for the week:
6/19 – Swimming as kids. First kiss on the banks. Married on a dock. All her memories of him were potamic. She spread his ashes on the water.
6/20 – The young girl idolizes the sprezzatura of the Olympic gymnasts. Ten years later she soars through the air to win gold and inspire others.
6/21 – Their pridian antics land them in the principal's office this morning. He longs for the days of the paddle as he lectures them yet again.
6/22 – Tim didn't want to be one of Tony's myrmidons, but he helped hold Eugene's head in the toilet, mentally chanting, 'Better him than me.'
6/23 – She reported his crimes, sharing enough to keep him in jail for years, but she kept the gravamen to herself: he didn't love her back.
6/24 – Emption relieved her stress,
so she did it more and more;
but it left her credit a mess,
so she married a rich bore.
6/25 – He cultivates a mithridatism to antifreeze because his wife says it's a perfect murder weapon. When she finally snaps, she uses a gun.
Play along and write tweet tales for the above words. If you’re willing to share, post them on twitter with the hashtag #15tt or add them below in the comments because I’d love to read them. Any thoughts about this week's tweet tales or #15tt words?

Jocelyn Rish

Jocelyn Rish is a writer and filmmaker who never imagined her cheeky sense of humor would lead to a book about animal butts. When she's not researching fanny facts, she tutors kids to help them discover the magic of reading. Jocelyn has won numerous awards for her short stories, screenplays, short films, and novels and lives in South Carolina with her booty-ful dogs.