6/5 – Dan is dubbed the king of riposte, but he doesn't realize they're laughing at him not with him for replying "yo mama" to any insult.
6/6 – The allicient scent of nectar beckons the bee closer. WHAM! The plant's jaws snap shut. One less worker buzzing in the hive tonight.
6/7 – An insect flies into his mouth, tickling his fauces. Terrified of bugs, he drinks pesticide to kill it. Another Darwin Award winner.
6/8 – A vulpine face stares down at her, half hidden by tree branches. She convinces herself it's a cat. Then it whispers, "Come play with us."
6/9 – Tweens adore the pop star. No one suspects messages hidden in his demotic songs. When they reach voting age, he will become President.
6/10 – The bee's appetence for fun made her an outcast. She met an ant bored with "all work-no play" policies: they ran off and had adventures.
6/11 – As the rasorial birds close in, the cricket hides in a hole. A voice hisses, "S-s-so glad you could s-s-stop by for s-s-super." Uh oh.
Play along and write tweet tales for the above words. If you’re willing to share, post them on twitter with the hashtag #15tt or add them below in the comments because I’d love to read them. Any thoughts about this week's tweet tales or #15tt words?

6/5 – Dan is dubbed the king of riposte, but he doesn't realize they're laughing at him not with him for replying "yo mama" to any insult.
6/6 – The allicient scent of nectar beckons the bee closer. WHAM! The plant's jaws snap shut. One less worker buzzing in the hive tonight.
6/7 – An insect flies into his mouth, tickling his fauces. Terrified of bugs, he drinks pesticide to kill it. Another Darwin Award winner.
6/8 – A vulpine face stares down at her, half hidden by tree branches. She convinces herself it's a cat. Then it whispers, "Come play with us."
6/9 – Tweens adore the pop star. No one suspects messages hidden in his demotic songs. When they reach voting age, he will become President.
6/10 – The bee's appetence for fun made her an outcast. She met an ant bored with "all work-no play" policies: they ran off and had adventures.
6/11 – As the rasorial birds close in, the cricket hides in a hole. A voice hisses, "S-s-so glad you could s-s-stop by for s-s-super." Uh oh.
Play along and write tweet tales for the above words. If you’re willing to share, post them on twitter with the hashtag #15tt or add them below in the comments because I’d love to read them. Any thoughts about this week's tweet tales or #15tt words?