Tweet Tales Tuesday Week 73
June 11, 2013
15 Minute Tweet TalesLast week it was children who didn’t want to go to bed, and this week I apparently had bugs on the brain. On 6/6 and 6/7 my tales accidentally started an insect theme. I didn’t notice the trend until later, but once I did, I decided to finish off the week with entomological tales. Here are my 15 Minute Tweet Tales for the week: 
6/5 – Dan is dubbed the king of riposte, but he doesn't realize they're laughing at him not with him for replying "yo mama" to any insult.
6/6 – The allicient scent of nectar beckons the bee closer. WHAM! The plant's jaws snap shut. One less worker buzzing in the hive tonight.
6/7 – An insect flies into his mouth, tickling his fauces. Terrified of bugs, he drinks pesticide to kill it. Another Darwin Award winner.
6/8 – A vulpine face stares down at her, half hidden by tree branches. She convinces herself it's a cat. Then it whispers, "Come play with us."
6/9 – Tweens adore the pop star. No one suspects messages hidden in his demotic songs. When they reach voting age, he will become President.
6/10 – The bee's appetence for fun made her an outcast. She met an ant bored with "all work-no play" policies: they ran off and had adventures.
6/11 – As the rasorial birds close in, the cricket hides in a hole. A voice hisses, "S-s-so glad you could s-s-stop by for s-s-super." Uh oh.
Play along and write tweet tales for the above words. If you’re willing to share, post them on twitter with the hashtag #15tt or add them below in the comments because I’d love to read them. Any thoughts about this week's tweet tales or #15tt words?
15 Minute Tweet TalesLast week it was children who didn’t want to go to bed, and this week I apparently had bugs on the brain. On 6/6 and 6/7 my tales accidentally started an insect theme. I didn’t notice the trend until later, but once I did, I decided to finish off the week with entomological tales. Here are my 15 Minute Tweet Tales for the week: 
6/5 – Dan is dubbed the king of riposte, but he doesn't realize they're laughing at him not with him for replying "yo mama" to any insult.
6/6 – The allicient scent of nectar beckons the bee closer. WHAM! The plant's jaws snap shut. One less worker buzzing in the hive tonight.
6/7 – An insect flies into his mouth, tickling his fauces. Terrified of bugs, he drinks pesticide to kill it. Another Darwin Award winner.
6/8 – A vulpine face stares down at her, half hidden by tree branches. She convinces herself it's a cat. Then it whispers, "Come play with us."
6/9 – Tweens adore the pop star. No one suspects messages hidden in his demotic songs. When they reach voting age, he will become President.
6/10 – The bee's appetence for fun made her an outcast. She met an ant bored with "all work-no play" policies: they ran off and had adventures.
6/11 – As the rasorial birds close in, the cricket hides in a hole. A voice hisses, "S-s-so glad you could s-s-stop by for s-s-super." Uh oh.
Play along and write tweet tales for the above words. If you’re willing to share, post them on twitter with the hashtag #15tt or add them below in the comments because I’d love to read them. Any thoughts about this week's tweet tales or #15tt words?

Jocelyn Rish

Jocelyn Rish is a writer and filmmaker who never imagined her cheeky sense of humor would lead to a book about animal butts. When she's not researching fanny facts, she tutors kids to help them discover the magic of reading. Jocelyn has won numerous awards for her short stories, screenplays, short films, and novels and lives in South Carolina with her booty-ful dogs.