Not only did I get used to posting my 15 Minute Tweet Tales on Sunday during the A to Z challenge, but I've also been on a blog break since the challenge ended, so I almost forgot to post my tweet tales today. There are a few more than usual since I'm making the switch from Sunday back to the regularly scheduled Tuesday. Enjoy!
4/29 – "He gave me those same earrings. Said they're gold, but they're clinquant." The words from the woman at her door shatter Meg's world.
4/30 – Edith shrieks when she checks her prize-winning roses and finds sheep eating them. There's no way they made it past the haha. Sabotage!
5/1 – With the launch only minutes away, the Captain had an Apollonian air. It was an act for the crew; he knew they wouldn't make it back.
5/2 – The paludal ground stole her shoe, so she had to dig it out. It would lead the cops to her if they found the body she'd just dumped.
5/3 – The eager faces of the parviscient recruits batter his soul. Bound for the craters of Mars, he's not training them to fight but to die.
5/4 – Lost in desert. Mouth parched. Skin fried. Mirage manifests. Undulant sand dunes turn blue and sound of ocean lulls him to final sleep.
5/5 – With a few tricks Sue convinced her kids she was prescient. Now they're too scared to even think of being naughty. Being a mom is fun!
5/6 – The queen whispers in the king's ear about his louche advisors. Meanwhile, she's screwing half of them and stealing from the treasury.
5/7 – Phil wanted to think deep thoughts, so he built a phrontistery in his garden, but in truth he had all his best ideas in the bathroom.
I didn't do it on purpose, but I guess I had doomed space trips on the brain this past week, since 5/1 and 5/3 seem like they could be part of the same larger story.
Play along and write tweet tales for the above words. If you’re willing to share, post them on twitter with the hashtag #15tt or add them below in the comments because I’d love to read them. Any thoughts about this week's tweet tales or #15tt words?
Not only did I get used to posting my 15 Minute Tweet Tales on Sunday during the A to Z challenge, but I've also been on a blog break since the challenge ended, so I almost forgot to post my tweet tales today. There are a few more than usual since I'm making the switch from Sunday back to the regularly scheduled Tuesday. Enjoy!
4/29 – "He gave me those same earrings. Said they're gold, but they're clinquant." The words from the woman at her door shatter Meg's world.
4/30 – Edith shrieks when she checks her prize-winning roses and finds sheep eating them. There's no way they made it past the haha. Sabotage!
5/1 – With the launch only minutes away, the Captain had an Apollonian air. It was an act for the crew; he knew they wouldn't make it back.
5/2 – The paludal ground stole her shoe, so she had to dig it out. It would lead the cops to her if they found the body she'd just dumped.
5/3 – The eager faces of the parviscient recruits batter his soul. Bound for the craters of Mars, he's not training them to fight but to die.
5/4 – Lost in desert. Mouth parched. Skin fried. Mirage manifests. Undulant sand dunes turn blue and sound of ocean lulls him to final sleep.
5/5 – With a few tricks Sue convinced her kids she was prescient. Now they're too scared to even think of being naughty. Being a mom is fun!
5/6 – The queen whispers in the king's ear about his louche advisors. Meanwhile, she's screwing half of them and stealing from the treasury.
5/7 – Phil wanted to think deep thoughts, so he built a phrontistery in his garden, but in truth he had all his best ideas in the bathroom.
I didn't do it on purpose, but I guess I had doomed space trips on the brain this past week, since 5/1 and 5/3 seem like they could be part of the same larger story.
Play along and write tweet tales for the above words. If you’re willing to share, post them on twitter with the hashtag #15tt or add them below in the comments because I’d love to read them. Any thoughts about this week's tweet tales or #15tt words?