pandiculation – a stretching and stiffening of the trunk and extremities, as when fatigued and drowsy or on waking, often accompanied by yawning.
7/11 – He watched her pandiculation each morning with an adoring smile. Then his mom confiscated his binoculars & told her mom to buy blinds.
Play along and write tweet tales for the above word. If you’re willing to share, post them on twitter with the hashtag #15tt or add them below in the comments because I’d love to read them. Any thoughts about this week's tweet tale or #15tt word?

pandiculation – a stretching and stiffening of the trunk and extremities, as when fatigued and drowsy or on waking, often accompanied by yawning.
7/11 – He watched her pandiculation each morning with an adoring smile. Then his mom confiscated his binoculars & told her mom to buy blinds.
Play along and write tweet tales for the above word. If you’re willing to share, post them on twitter with the hashtag #15tt or add them below in the comments because I’d love to read them. Any thoughts about this week's tweet tale or #15tt word?