nubivagant – wandering in the clouds; moving through the air.
8/24 – Hiking, I tumble off a cliff. Sprawled at bottom, unable to move. No help coming. Watch nubivagant birds, ready for my soul to join them.
Play along and write a tweet tale for the above word. If you’re willing to share, post it on twitter with the hashtag #15tt or add it below in the comments because I’d love to read your tales. Any thoughts about this week's tweet tale or #15tt word?

nubivagant – wandering in the clouds; moving through the air.
8/24 – Hiking, I tumble off a cliff. Sprawled at bottom, unable to move. No help coming. Watch nubivagant birds, ready for my soul to join them.
Play along and write a tweet tale for the above word. If you’re willing to share, post it on twitter with the hashtag #15tt or add it below in the comments because I’d love to read your tales. Any thoughts about this week's tweet tale or #15tt word?