And now for today’s 15 Minute Tweet Tales word:
ultramarine – a vivid blue to purplish blue; beyond the sea; blue pigment made from powdered lapis lazuli.
Her mom freaked out when she walked downstairs with ultramarine hair for the family photo, but grandma told her she looked beautiful. #15tt
Play along and write a tweet tale for the above word. If you’re willing to share, post it on twitter with the hashtag #15tt or add it below in the comments because I’d love to read your tales. Any thoughts about this week's tweet tale or #15tt word?

And now for today’s 15 Minute Tweet Tales word:
ultramarine – a vivid blue to purplish blue; beyond the sea; blue pigment made from powdered lapis lazuli.
Her mom freaked out when she walked downstairs with ultramarine hair for the family photo, but grandma told her she looked beautiful. #15tt
Play along and write a tweet tale for the above word. If you’re willing to share, post it on twitter with the hashtag #15tt or add it below in the comments because I’d love to read your tales. Any thoughts about this week's tweet tale or #15tt word?