Despite my 15 Minute Tweet Tales story below, I did actually have to go outside today. It felt like this:

So I’m just going to post the word and tale and get myself some ice water. Stay cool, y’all!

7/12 – With temps hanging out around 103, I'm just gonna estivate inside. I'm only cracking the door to shoo the pups out to potty. #truestory
Play along and write a tweet tale for the above word. If you’re willing to share, post it on twitter with the hashtag #15tt or add it below in the comments because I’d love to read your tales. Any thoughts about this week's tweet tale or #15tt word?
Despite my 15 Minute Tweet Tales story below, I did actually have to go outside today. It felt like this:

So I’m just going to post the word and tale and get myself some ice water. Stay cool, y’all!

7/12 – With temps hanging out around 103, I'm just gonna estivate inside. I'm only cracking the door to shoo the pups out to potty. #truestory
Play along and write a tweet tale for the above word. If you’re willing to share, post it on twitter with the hashtag #15tt or add it below in the comments because I’d love to read your tales. Any thoughts about this week's tweet tale or #15tt word?