Not only was Sunday Father’s Day, it was also my mom’s birthday, so the whole family got together at the lake house to celebrate.

It was also the first time both Remy (my brother’s dog) and Bear (my sister’s newest dog) visited the lake. My dogs Freya and Chloe stayed at my brother’s house because Bear doesn’t like them. He’s a meanie! But since he’s new-ish, we’re giving him space to get comfortable.
Anyway, Joanna’s other dog Kali LOVES the lake and swimming, so she was more than happy to show the other kids how it’s done. There was a lot of dock diving, chasing tennis balls, and jockeying for position to be the first up the ramp. Because it gets a little rough and tumble between them out there, they wear life jackets, which also lets them swim longer because they don’t have to work as hard. Plus it makes them extra adorable!
Since I know you love adorable swimming (and boating!) dogs as much as I do, here’s a series of photos of the cutie patooties:
Flying Kali showing 'em how it's done.
Bear can fly, too!
Remy using a bit more caution.
It's the dock dogs!
Racing to the ramp!
Trapped on a boat.
The wind in our hair.

Remy napping on me.

gumusservi – moonlight shining on water (Turkish).
6/21 – The path of the gumusservi led from his house to mine, but it was a trail we couldn't walk. Without a boat, we were separated forever.
Play along and write a tweet tale for the above word. If you’re willing to share, post it on twitter with the hashtag #15tt or add it below in the comments because I’d love to read your tales. Any thoughts about this week's tweet tale or #15tt word?
And here's a picture of gumusservi from this weekend:
Not only was Sunday Father’s Day, it was also my mom’s birthday, so the whole family got together at the lake house to celebrate.

It was also the first time both Remy (my brother’s dog) and Bear (my sister’s newest dog) visited the lake. My dogs Freya and Chloe stayed at my brother’s house because Bear doesn’t like them. He’s a meanie! But since he’s new-ish, we’re giving him space to get comfortable.
Anyway, Joanna’s other dog Kali LOVES the lake and swimming, so she was more than happy to show the other kids how it’s done. There was a lot of dock diving, chasing tennis balls, and jockeying for position to be the first up the ramp. Because it gets a little rough and tumble between them out there, they wear life jackets, which also lets them swim longer because they don’t have to work as hard. Plus it makes them extra adorable!
Since I know you love adorable swimming (and boating!) dogs as much as I do, here’s a series of photos of the cutie patooties:
Flying Kali showing 'em how it's done.
Bear can fly, too!
Remy using a bit more caution.
It's the dock dogs!
Racing to the ramp!
Trapped on a boat.
The wind in our hair.

Remy napping on me.

gumusservi – moonlight shining on water (Turkish).
6/21 – The path of the gumusservi led from his house to mine, but it was a trail we couldn't walk. Without a boat, we were separated forever.
Play along and write a tweet tale for the above word. If you’re willing to share, post it on twitter with the hashtag #15tt or add it below in the comments because I’d love to read your tales. Any thoughts about this week's tweet tale or #15tt word?
And here's a picture of gumusservi from this weekend: