Tweet Tales Tuesday Week 21
June 5, 2012

15 Minute Tweet TalesBecause I’m an avid reader and a writer, I like to think I have a better than average vocabulary; however, five months of these word-a-day words has really opened my eyes to the vast number of terms out there I’d never heard of before.  That’s why this past week’s words were so surprising.  I was previously familiar with all of them except traduce, and other than callithump (such a fun word!), I actually use five of them semi-regularly in conversation.  I’d like to claim I’m getting smarter, but it’s more likely the word picker person was on vacation that week.

Here are the 15 Minute Tweet Tales for the past week using these more familiar words:    

5/30 – Every Friday afternoon the neighborhood kids formed a callithump to celebrate the weekend. Mildred’s calls to the police were ignored.
5/31 – New job at chocolate factory. Many pieces not up to scratch. Must be discarded… in her belly. Fired after a week. Gained 20 pounds.
6/1 – People thought she was snooty because of her impeccable manners, but she used them to hide the shame of growing up as trailer trash.
6/2 – Budget slashes turned her dream junket as a pampered debut novelist into nights in sketchy motels after choking down $ menu fast food.
6/3 – The animal-themed retirement party paid homage to his work as SPCA director – too bad the cops crashed to arrest him for embezzlement.
6/4 – Furious about a D in gym ruining her perfect GPA, Amy traduces Coach Jones by ripping her shirt and fleeing his office sobbing loudly.
6/5 – While plausible he didn’t know his older brother was in the woods when he released the arrow, the people never trusted their new king.
Play along and write tweet tales for the above words.  If you’re willing to share, post them on twitter with the hashtag #15tt or add them below in the comments because I’d love to read them.  Any thoughts about this week's tweet tales? 

15 Minute Tweet TalesBecause I’m an avid reader and a writer, I like to think I have a better than average vocabulary; however, five months of these word-a-day words has really opened my eyes to the vast number of terms out there I’d never heard of before.  That’s why this past week’s words were so surprising.  I was previously familiar with all of them except traduce, and other than callithump (such a fun word!), I actually use five of them semi-regularly in conversation.  I’d like to claim I’m getting smarter, but it’s more likely the word picker person was on vacation that week.

Here are the 15 Minute Tweet Tales for the past week using these more familiar words:    

5/30 – Every Friday afternoon the neighborhood kids formed a callithump to celebrate the weekend. Mildred’s calls to the police were ignored.
5/31 – New job at chocolate factory. Many pieces not up to scratch. Must be discarded… in her belly. Fired after a week. Gained 20 pounds.
6/1 – People thought she was snooty because of her impeccable manners, but she used them to hide the shame of growing up as trailer trash.
6/2 – Budget slashes turned her dream junket as a pampered debut novelist into nights in sketchy motels after choking down $ menu fast food.
6/3 – The animal-themed retirement party paid homage to his work as SPCA director – too bad the cops crashed to arrest him for embezzlement.
6/4 – Furious about a D in gym ruining her perfect GPA, Amy traduces Coach Jones by ripping her shirt and fleeing his office sobbing loudly.
6/5 – While plausible he didn’t know his older brother was in the woods when he released the arrow, the people never trusted their new king.
Play along and write tweet tales for the above words.  If you’re willing to share, post them on twitter with the hashtag #15tt or add them below in the comments because I’d love to read them.  Any thoughts about this week's tweet tales? 

Jocelyn Rish

Jocelyn Rish is a writer and filmmaker who never imagined her cheeky sense of humor would lead to a book about animal butts. When she's not researching fanny facts, she tutors kids to help them discover the magic of reading. Jocelyn has won numerous awards for her short stories, screenplays, short films, and novels and lives in South Carolina with her booty-ful dogs.