And now here are my 15 Minute Tweet Tales for the week:
6/24 – As soldiers unpack the matériel, they ignore the small, scurrying spiders. Although they aren't really spiders but bots sent to conquer.
6/25 – His wife crying by his bedside, he whispers, "Nil desperandum," with his last breath. She laughs. "You fool, these are tears of joy."
6/26 – "How do I get to the art museum, por favor?" That accent. That face! And he enjoyed art? She offered to direct him in person. He grinned.
6/27 – The Extractor charges extra yet still complains the entire time he saws about unwieldy rigor mortis having set in before I called him.
6/28 – As her crush heads toward them, she says sotto voce to her baby brother, "Don't embarrass me or I'll kill you." He grins. She's serious.
6/29 – "Your body is terra incognita & tonight I'm Christopher Columbus." Tim hopes sounding fancy will work but still gets a drink thrown in face.
6/30 – Several guys snicker as he waits for his wife holding her purse. "She conquered my heart, so vae victis," he says, hoisting it up his arm.
Play along and write tweet tales for the above words. If you’re willing to share, post them on twitter with the hashtag #15tt or add them below in the comments because I’d love to read them. Any thoughts about this week's tweet tales or #15tt words?

And now here are my 15 Minute Tweet Tales for the week:
6/24 – As soldiers unpack the matériel, they ignore the small, scurrying spiders. Although they aren't really spiders but bots sent to conquer.
6/25 – His wife crying by his bedside, he whispers, "Nil desperandum," with his last breath. She laughs. "You fool, these are tears of joy."
6/26 – "How do I get to the art museum, por favor?" That accent. That face! And he enjoyed art? She offered to direct him in person. He grinned.
6/27 – The Extractor charges extra yet still complains the entire time he saws about unwieldy rigor mortis having set in before I called him.
6/28 – As her crush heads toward them, she says sotto voce to her baby brother, "Don't embarrass me or I'll kill you." He grins. She's serious.
6/29 – "Your body is terra incognita & tonight I'm Christopher Columbus." Tim hopes sounding fancy will work but still gets a drink thrown in face.
6/30 – Several guys snicker as he waits for his wife holding her purse. "She conquered my heart, so vae victis," he says, hoisting it up his arm.
Play along and write tweet tales for the above words. If you’re willing to share, post them on twitter with the hashtag #15tt or add them below in the comments because I’d love to read them. Any thoughts about this week's tweet tales or #15tt words?