I had a fun weekend hanging out with my sister. On Saturday we enjoyed Black-Eyed Susans (the official drink of the Preakness), while watching the gorgeous horsies race on TV. I was so nervous something bad would happen with all the rain and slop, but thankfully they all made it safely across the finish line.

Then on Sunday we went to see Pitch Perfect 2. I loved the first one. I loved it so much I wrote two blog posts about writing pitches using quotes from the movie:
But as much as I loved it, I rolled my eyes when I heard there was going to be a sequel, figuring there was no way lightning would strike twice. But it was actually a lot of fun. It didn't quite have the magic of the first one, but there were plenty of laughs, lots of head-bobbing and toe-tapping, and I grinned like a maniac through the entire final competition. I'm already looking forward to getting the DVD, so I can watch the performances again and again.
Hope y'all had a fun-filled weekend, too! And now here are my 15 Minute Tweet Tales for the week:
5/13 – With each bon mot he spouts at the party, his wife rolls her eyes. He'd spent hours researching and revising to appear spontaneously clever.
5/14 – They both cry as she pulls the trigger, but with no zombie cure available, a coup de grâce is the only way to save her husband's soul.
5/15 – His cries sound painful as they surge de profundis, but Mom's not ordering him pie. Patrons shoot them dirty looks; she gets him a piece.
5/16 – "I say this ex animo: you are horrible, and I hope you burn in hell." Sue blinked. She'd only told Ivy she liked her hair better long.

5/18 – The genius loci of the house caused most owners to move within weeks,but he found it peaceful. He was even smiling when they found his body.
5/19 – She prepares a romantic dinner; he shows up with friends. She finds some Cheetos to serve as hors d'oeuvres then dumps him after dessert.
What fun things did you get up to this weekend? Play along and write tweet tales for the above words. If you’re willing to share, post them on twitter with the hashtag #15tt or add them below in the comments because I’d love to read them. Any thoughts about this week's tweet tales or #15tt words?
I had a fun weekend hanging out with my sister. On Saturday we enjoyed Black-Eyed Susans (the official drink of the Preakness), while watching the gorgeous horsies race on TV. I was so nervous something bad would happen with all the rain and slop, but thankfully they all made it safely across the finish line.

Then on Sunday we went to see Pitch Perfect 2. I loved the first one. I loved it so much I wrote two blog posts about writing pitches using quotes from the movie:
But as much as I loved it, I rolled my eyes when I heard there was going to be a sequel, figuring there was no way lightning would strike twice. But it was actually a lot of fun. It didn't quite have the magic of the first one, but there were plenty of laughs, lots of head-bobbing and toe-tapping, and I grinned like a maniac through the entire final competition. I'm already looking forward to getting the DVD, so I can watch the performances again and again.
Hope y'all had a fun-filled weekend, too! And now here are my 15 Minute Tweet Tales for the week:
5/13 – With each bon mot he spouts at the party, his wife rolls her eyes. He'd spent hours researching and revising to appear spontaneously clever.
5/14 – They both cry as she pulls the trigger, but with no zombie cure available, a coup de grâce is the only way to save her husband's soul.
5/15 – His cries sound painful as they surge de profundis, but Mom's not ordering him pie. Patrons shoot them dirty looks; she gets him a piece.
5/16 – "I say this ex animo: you are horrible, and I hope you burn in hell." Sue blinked. She'd only told Ivy she liked her hair better long.

5/18 – The genius loci of the house caused most owners to move within weeks,but he found it peaceful. He was even smiling when they found his body.
5/19 – She prepares a romantic dinner; he shows up with friends. She finds some Cheetos to serve as hors d'oeuvres then dumps him after dessert.
What fun things did you get up to this weekend? Play along and write tweet tales for the above words. If you’re willing to share, post them on twitter with the hashtag #15tt or add them below in the comments because I’d love to read them. Any thoughts about this week's tweet tales or #15tt words?