I hope you’re wearing green today. If not, I’m virtually pinching you right now! I’m decked out in my St. Patrick's Day finery – solid green shirt, shamrock earrings, and socks with leprechauns and rainbows. But instead of a picture of boring ol’ me, I’m going to post one my sister sent me of her adorable pups in their shamrock socks. Happy Saint Patrick's Day!!

And now for my latest 15 Minute Tweet Tales:
3/11 – The a cappella voices resonating in the hallway make him weep – not only at their beauty but at his certainty angels have come for him.
3/12 – He spends years training her into a bel esprit so she can mingle with his enemies and get revenge. But she falls in love with their son.
3/13 – His carpe diem attitude draws people to him, though they soon drift away exhausted. But he can't slow down or he'll think about her death.
3/14 – After captain dies of dehydration, cruise director becomes de facto leader. First mate grumbles, but even he admits she finds resources.

3/16 – Profile says she's a feinschmecker. He's instantly smitten. He doesn't know much about food but loves women with robust vocabularies.
3/17 – Long-time grande dame of local theater takes a bow. Many forgotten lines indicate it's her last play. Applause is thunderous but sad.
Play along and write tweet tales for the above words. If you’re willing to share, post them on twitter with the hashtag #15tt or add them below in the comments because I’d love to read them. Any thoughts about this week's tweet tales or #15tt words?
I hope you’re wearing green today. If not, I’m virtually pinching you right now! I’m decked out in my St. Patrick's Day finery – solid green shirt, shamrock earrings, and socks with leprechauns and rainbows. But instead of a picture of boring ol’ me, I’m going to post one my sister sent me of her adorable pups in their shamrock socks. Happy Saint Patrick's Day!!

And now for my latest 15 Minute Tweet Tales:
3/11 – The a cappella voices resonating in the hallway make him weep – not only at their beauty but at his certainty angels have come for him.
3/12 – He spends years training her into a bel esprit so she can mingle with his enemies and get revenge. But she falls in love with their son.
3/13 – His carpe diem attitude draws people to him, though they soon drift away exhausted. But he can't slow down or he'll think about her death.
3/14 – After captain dies of dehydration, cruise director becomes de facto leader. First mate grumbles, but even he admits she finds resources.

3/16 – Profile says she's a feinschmecker. He's instantly smitten. He doesn't know much about food but loves women with robust vocabularies.
3/17 – Long-time grande dame of local theater takes a bow. Many forgotten lines indicate it's her last play. Applause is thunderous but sad.
Play along and write tweet tales for the above words. If you’re willing to share, post them on twitter with the hashtag #15tt or add them below in the comments because I’d love to read them. Any thoughts about this week's tweet tales or #15tt words?