I hope everyone had a wonderful Labor Day weekend! My extended family gathered at the lake, including my cousin and her young kids, so we got to be silly as an excuse for playing with them, rather than the usual reason of we’re just big ol’ dorks. And my sister’s newish puppy has officially decided she’s a water dog – look at her fly!

And now here are my 15 Minute Tweet Tales for the week.
8/27 – He repugned her suggestions to dress better. If she loved him, she'd accept him. If he loved her, he'd change clothes more than once a week.
8/28 – After days of wandering lost in the woods, she turned to bugs for aliment. Once rescued, she started a restaurant most people avoided.
8/29 – She leans in to kiss him & he knows he should pull back. Tim's her ex and his brother, so they need his benison. But he can't help himself.
8/30 – Her TA's servile behavior boosts her ego and her trust, making it easy for him steal Professor's research to pay off huge student loans.
8/31 – She yells when her dog plunders the cat’s litter box. Rex’s malapert yip conveys that her disgust won’t deter his quest for crunchy treats.
9/1 – Idea for perfect ending to her book withers aborning due to self-doubt, which snatches another potential from NYT best-seller list.
9/2 – The path wends through thick woods until a house built of jewels, chocolate and other impossible things appears. She's arrived at the end.
Play along and write tweet tales for the above words. If you’re willing to share, post them on twitter with the hashtag #15tt or add them below in the comments because I’d love to read them. Any thoughts about this week's tweet tales or #15tt words?
I hope everyone had a wonderful Labor Day weekend! My extended family gathered at the lake, including my cousin and her young kids, so we got to be silly as an excuse for playing with them, rather than the usual reason of we’re just big ol’ dorks. And my sister’s newish puppy has officially decided she’s a water dog – look at her fly!

And now here are my 15 Minute Tweet Tales for the week.
8/27 – He repugned her suggestions to dress better. If she loved him, she'd accept him. If he loved her, he'd change clothes more than once a week.
8/28 – After days of wandering lost in the woods, she turned to bugs for aliment. Once rescued, she started a restaurant most people avoided.
8/29 – She leans in to kiss him & he knows he should pull back. Tim's her ex and his brother, so they need his benison. But he can't help himself.
8/30 – Her TA's servile behavior boosts her ego and her trust, making it easy for him steal Professor's research to pay off huge student loans.
8/31 – She yells when her dog plunders the cat’s litter box. Rex’s malapert yip conveys that her disgust won’t deter his quest for crunchy treats.
9/1 – Idea for perfect ending to her book withers aborning due to self-doubt, which snatches another potential from NYT best-seller list.
9/2 – The path wends through thick woods until a house built of jewels, chocolate and other impossible things appears. She's arrived at the end.
Play along and write tweet tales for the above words. If you’re willing to share, post them on twitter with the hashtag #15tt or add them below in the comments because I’d love to read them. Any thoughts about this week's tweet tales or #15tt words?