Today is National Dog Day! And since my fur-babies are the cheese to my smile, the smile to my day, and the key to my heart, I thought I’d show off a picture of Freya and Chloe. Unfortunately, I do not have the talent nor the patience to capture them both showing off their cutest doggie expressions at the same time, but here are two of my pathetic attempts.
Give your dogs some extra lovin’ today to let them know how much you appreciate the joy they bring to your lives!

8/20 – She assures her son she was trying to help, not be a marplot on his wedding day. Lie. She'd hated his trashy fiancée from the day they met.
8/21 – She knows her teacher says dyslogistic things about her writing because he's jealous of her genius. 20 years of rejections prove him right.
8/22 – She thought it would be a simple choice, but the insanely ramose decision tree created by 'what ifs' paralyzed her into doing nothing.
8/23 – She watches in horrified fascination as dundrearies sprout from his face & his eyes turn red. She doesn't run until fangs appear. Too late.
8/24 – An incipient shadow near her bed catches her attention. Each night it grows more distinct until it takes her hand and leads her away.
8/25 – The way he belauded her dinner, she knew he actually hated it. She shoved the dishes to the floor and rewarded him with a special dessert.
8/26 – Her agonistic response to simple requests was frustrating. But she was only two and didn't want to eat veggies, so she was forgiven. Mostly.
Do you have a dog? What kind and what's his/her name? Play along and write tweet tales for the above words. If you’re willing to share, post them on twitter with the hashtag #15tt or add them below in the comments because I’d love to read them. Any thoughts about this week's tweet tales or #15tt words?
Today is National Dog Day! And since my fur-babies are the cheese to my smile, the smile to my day, and the key to my heart, I thought I’d show off a picture of Freya and Chloe. Unfortunately, I do not have the talent nor the patience to capture them both showing off their cutest doggie expressions at the same time, but here are two of my pathetic attempts.
Give your dogs some extra lovin’ today to let them know how much you appreciate the joy they bring to your lives!

8/20 – She assures her son she was trying to help, not be a marplot on his wedding day. Lie. She'd hated his trashy fiancée from the day they met.
8/21 – She knows her teacher says dyslogistic things about her writing because he's jealous of her genius. 20 years of rejections prove him right.
8/22 – She thought it would be a simple choice, but the insanely ramose decision tree created by 'what ifs' paralyzed her into doing nothing.
8/23 – She watches in horrified fascination as dundrearies sprout from his face & his eyes turn red. She doesn't run until fangs appear. Too late.
8/24 – An incipient shadow near her bed catches her attention. Each night it grows more distinct until it takes her hand and leads her away.
8/25 – The way he belauded her dinner, she knew he actually hated it. She shoved the dishes to the floor and rewarded him with a special dessert.
8/26 – Her agonistic response to simple requests was frustrating. But she was only two and didn't want to eat veggies, so she was forgiven. Mostly.
Do you have a dog? What kind and what's his/her name? Play along and write tweet tales for the above words. If you’re willing to share, post them on twitter with the hashtag #15tt or add them below in the comments because I’d love to read them. Any thoughts about this week's tweet tales or #15tt words?