Tweet Tales Tuesday Week 124
June 10, 2014
15 Minute Tweet TalesI can’t believe another week has flown by. Hope y’all are doing well and getting lots of work done on whatever project has currently captured your mind and heart. Since I need to get back to my current project, here are my 15 Minute Tweet Tales for the week:
6/4 – Neighbors know one of us Smith kids torments animals. Due to lookism they think it's Tom. My creepy-looking brother wouldn't hurt a fly.
6/5 – Her dog was acting addlepated: licking walls, barking at air. She worried he had doggie dementia. Then things on the shelves started moving.
6/6 – She's a perfume cognoscente, always picking perfect scents for friends, making them even more reluctant to tell her she stinks of B.O.
6/7 – He thinks his soul will be unfettered once he confesses his love, but her quickly concealed look of disgust encases his heart in lead.
6/8 – Disappointment suffuses through crowd as the horse guaranteed to win falls further behind. The man who fixed his food collects his winnings.
6/9 – His mom calls him incorrigible with such love in her voice he truly thinks it's a good thing. His first girlfriend cures him of that notion.
6/10 – Her fussy boss asked for a martini with extra verjuice. She thought it odd but complied. Accents can be tricky and now she needs a new job.
Play along and write tweet tales for the above words. If you’re willing to share, post them on twitter with the hashtag #15tt or add them below in the comments because I’d love to read them. Any thoughts about this week's tweet tales or #15tt words?
15 Minute Tweet TalesI can’t believe another week has flown by. Hope y’all are doing well and getting lots of work done on whatever project has currently captured your mind and heart. Since I need to get back to my current project, here are my 15 Minute Tweet Tales for the week:
6/4 – Neighbors know one of us Smith kids torments animals. Due to lookism they think it's Tom. My creepy-looking brother wouldn't hurt a fly.
6/5 – Her dog was acting addlepated: licking walls, barking at air. She worried he had doggie dementia. Then things on the shelves started moving.
6/6 – She's a perfume cognoscente, always picking perfect scents for friends, making them even more reluctant to tell her she stinks of B.O.
6/7 – He thinks his soul will be unfettered once he confesses his love, but her quickly concealed look of disgust encases his heart in lead.
6/8 – Disappointment suffuses through crowd as the horse guaranteed to win falls further behind. The man who fixed his food collects his winnings.
6/9 – His mom calls him incorrigible with such love in her voice he truly thinks it's a good thing. His first girlfriend cures him of that notion.
6/10 – Her fussy boss asked for a martini with extra verjuice. She thought it odd but complied. Accents can be tricky and now she needs a new job.
Play along and write tweet tales for the above words. If you’re willing to share, post them on twitter with the hashtag #15tt or add them below in the comments because I’d love to read them. Any thoughts about this week's tweet tales or #15tt words?

Jocelyn Rish

Jocelyn Rish is a writer and filmmaker who never imagined her cheeky sense of humor would lead to a book about animal butts. When she's not researching fanny facts, she tutors kids to help them discover the magic of reading. Jocelyn has won numerous awards for her short stories, screenplays, short films, and novels and lives in South Carolina with her booty-ful dogs.