3/26 – The food's awful, but she gets hebdomadal lunch: she never gave waiter the chance to call her Mom, but recognized her blue eyes in his face.
3/27 – When she caught husband cheating, her knee-jerk reaction was to grab her shotgun, but she came up with a better murder scheme to avoid jail.
3/28 – With a sneer, she flicks his epaulet representing courage in battle. She knows it was bought with the blood of his men rather than earned.
3/29 – Tim cries at zoomorphic costumes. "Told ya he's too young," hisses Dad. "Told ya you're an ass!" screams Mom, giving audience a second show.
3/30 – The atavism in Jon alarms his mom. Magic had been eliminated from their people, primarily by killing those who had it. She must hide him.
3/31 – He writes books mocking those who believe in aliens, so he's upset he'll have to resile. Least of his worries once the probing starts.
4/1 – After her devious explanation of why she missed curfew lasted 20 minutes, her dad couldn't figure out if she should be punished or not.
4/2 – "When I gaze in your eyes, I know you grok me. Our wedding will be beautiful. Now, do you promise not to scream when I take off the gag?"
4/3 – Cleaning Nana's attic he finds an incunabulum. Believing it dusty junk, he tosses it…along with the fortune he'd work so hard to inherit.
4/4 – Sue's ready for her efflorescence from geeky girl to hot woman, but no one wants to give her a makeover in a montage set to pop music.
4/5 – Although the cockalorum annoys us by lamenting about his Ferrari being in the shop, when the bus arrives, he lacks money for the fare.
4/6 – Her boss carps at her, not knowing her husband just died. Her boss also doesn't know he died because he constantly criticized her.
Play along and write tweet tales for the above words. If you’re willing to share, post them on twitter with the hashtag #15tt or add them below in the comments because I’d love to read them. Any thoughts about this week's tweet tales or #15tt words?

3/26 – The food's awful, but she gets hebdomadal lunch: she never gave waiter the chance to call her Mom, but recognized her blue eyes in his face.
3/27 – When she caught husband cheating, her knee-jerk reaction was to grab her shotgun, but she came up with a better murder scheme to avoid jail.
3/28 – With a sneer, she flicks his epaulet representing courage in battle. She knows it was bought with the blood of his men rather than earned.
3/29 – Tim cries at zoomorphic costumes. "Told ya he's too young," hisses Dad. "Told ya you're an ass!" screams Mom, giving audience a second show.
3/30 – The atavism in Jon alarms his mom. Magic had been eliminated from their people, primarily by killing those who had it. She must hide him.
3/31 – He writes books mocking those who believe in aliens, so he's upset he'll have to resile. Least of his worries once the probing starts.
4/1 – After her devious explanation of why she missed curfew lasted 20 minutes, her dad couldn't figure out if she should be punished or not.
4/2 – "When I gaze in your eyes, I know you grok me. Our wedding will be beautiful. Now, do you promise not to scream when I take off the gag?"
4/3 – Cleaning Nana's attic he finds an incunabulum. Believing it dusty junk, he tosses it…along with the fortune he'd work so hard to inherit.
4/4 – Sue's ready for her efflorescence from geeky girl to hot woman, but no one wants to give her a makeover in a montage set to pop music.
4/5 – Although the cockalorum annoys us by lamenting about his Ferrari being in the shop, when the bus arrives, he lacks money for the fare.
4/6 – Her boss carps at her, not knowing her husband just died. Her boss also doesn't know he died because he constantly criticized her.
Play along and write tweet tales for the above words. If you’re willing to share, post them on twitter with the hashtag #15tt or add them below in the comments because I’d love to read them. Any thoughts about this week's tweet tales or #15tt words?