Today’s short film for the letter R is a cute student short called Robby that clocks in at an easy-watching four and a half minutes. The most impressive thing about it is that the animator made a worm (a worm!) absolutely adorable. Worms are nasty, slimy things, yet this lil’ guy is so charming. I think it’s the giant, googly eyes – they make anything cute.
If you have a few minutes to spare, give it a watch:
So what’s my main takeaway from this short? That I want a magical purse like Robby’s backpack! My current purse has some pretty impressive clown-car like abilities, spewing forth all manner of cosmetics and personal care items, but a girl never knows when she’s going to need a backhoe . . . or a stick of dynamite.
Like last week’s film, this one deals with the importance of determination and striving toward your goal. Robby has equipped himself with the tools he needs to dig, similar to writers learning different “rules” and techniques and styles to stuff our writing packs with helpful tools. Robby has a compass to help guide him, just like we need to map out a plan of what we want to accomplish with our writing.
I even think the progression of Robby’s tools mirrors a writer’s approach to revising a first draft. First we start by shoveling some shit around (or maybe that’s just me!). Next we kind of pick at it until we realize that ain’t getting it done. Then we bring out the big guns like drills, backhoes, and dynamite to blow whole chapters away and make massive changes. Then we’re ready for the detailed edits, the kind done with a delicate tool like a plastic spoon. Then finally, after lots of hard work, we reach our goal – the cherished completed manuscript aka top of the apple..
And the very end reminds us that no matter how hard we try, sometimes life is going to gobble us up. Oh, wait, that’s a sad, pessimistic ending. How about instead, it’s a metaphor for an agent/editor loving our manuscript and gobbling it up in one sitting? Yeah, that’s much better.
What did you think about Robby? Does his trip through the apple work as a metaphor for revising? How Resplendent is Molly with her letter R?
Today’s short film for the letter R is a cute student short called Robby that clocks in at an easy-watching four and a half minutes. The most impressive thing about it is that the animator made a worm (a worm!) absolutely adorable. Worms are nasty, slimy things, yet this lil’ guy is so charming. I think it’s the giant, googly eyes – they make anything cute.
If you have a few minutes to spare, give it a watch:
So what’s my main takeaway from this short? That I want a magical purse like Robby’s backpack! My current purse has some pretty impressive clown-car like abilities, spewing forth all manner of cosmetics and personal care items, but a girl never knows when she’s going to need a backhoe . . . or a stick of dynamite.
Like last week’s film, this one deals with the importance of determination and striving toward your goal. Robby has equipped himself with the tools he needs to dig, similar to writers learning different “rules” and techniques and styles to stuff our writing packs with helpful tools. Robby has a compass to help guide him, just like we need to map out a plan of what we want to accomplish with our writing.
I even think the progression of Robby’s tools mirrors a writer’s approach to revising a first draft. First we start by shoveling some shit around (or maybe that’s just me!). Next we kind of pick at it until we realize that ain’t getting it done. Then we bring out the big guns like drills, backhoes, and dynamite to blow whole chapters away and make massive changes. Then we’re ready for the detailed edits, the kind done with a delicate tool like a plastic spoon. Then finally, after lots of hard work, we reach our goal – the cherished completed manuscript aka top of the apple..
And the very end reminds us that no matter how hard we try, sometimes life is going to gobble us up. Oh, wait, that’s a sad, pessimistic ending. How about instead, it’s a metaphor for an agent/editor loving our manuscript and gobbling it up in one sitting? Yeah, that’s much better.
What did you think about Robby? Does his trip through the apple work as a metaphor for revising? How Resplendent is Molly with her letter R?