Mr. Agenda tells me that it’s Television Thursday, and with today’s letter being E, I’m going to talk about the Syfy series Eureka. It airs Mondays at 9:00pm, and the fifth and final season starts on April 16th. I’m kind of bummed that it’s ending, since I’ve really enjoyed the quirky, little show.
Eureka is a blend of sci-fi and comedy about a small, off-the-map town built to nurture and protect America’s geniuses working on the latest and greatest scientific achievements. The series started when Jack Carter accidentally wandered into town and ended up becoming Sheriff. Because the scientists are absent-minded or arrogant or sometimes both, their experiments constantly go awry and threaten to destroy Eureka or even the world. Even though Jack is the “dumb” one in town, it’s usually his street-smart common sense that provides the ‘eureka’ moment that helps the brilliant scientists save the day.
The storylines are actually very formulaic – it's easy to anticipate how things will go wrong each week and what elements will come together to fix it. But the comedy keeps things fun, and the show has plenty of heart to make the characters worth following. The actors are excellent – able to pull off comedy without coming across as too goofy and then turn right around and tug your heartstrings with a dramatic moment. So a show that could easily be blown off as a silly procedural is actually very charming.
If you haven’t had a chance to watch this delightful show, Eureka is available on Netflix Watch Instantly. Check out a few episodes to see if you’re ready to move to this futuristic town where you’re in constant danger of being blown up by someone’s brilliant idea.
One of the coolest things about this show is seeing the insane devices and doodads the writers think up as inventions (what a fun job!) and then wondering how many similar items are actually being worked on in secret labs around the world. Let’s just hope there’s a Sheriff Carter around to save them when things go wrong!
Do you watch Eureka? Are you sad this is the last season? Any wishes for things to happen as they wind things up? How Earnest does Lily look with her letter E?
And if you haven't had a chance, guess the breeds of my dogs for a chance to win a prize.
Mr. Agenda tells me that it’s Television Thursday, and with today’s letter being E, I’m going to talk about the Syfy series Eureka. It airs Mondays at 9:00pm, and the fifth and final season starts on April 16th. I’m kind of bummed that it’s ending, since I’ve really enjoyed the quirky, little show.
Eureka is a blend of sci-fi and comedy about a small, off-the-map town built to nurture and protect America’s geniuses working on the latest and greatest scientific achievements. The series started when Jack Carter accidentally wandered into town and ended up becoming Sheriff. Because the scientists are absent-minded or arrogant or sometimes both, their experiments constantly go awry and threaten to destroy Eureka or even the world. Even though Jack is the “dumb” one in town, it’s usually his street-smart common sense that provides the ‘eureka’ moment that helps the brilliant scientists save the day.
The storylines are actually very formulaic – it's easy to anticipate how things will go wrong each week and what elements will come together to fix it. But the comedy keeps things fun, and the show has plenty of heart to make the characters worth following. The actors are excellent – able to pull off comedy without coming across as too goofy and then turn right around and tug your heartstrings with a dramatic moment. So a show that could easily be blown off as a silly procedural is actually very charming.
If you haven’t had a chance to watch this delightful show, Eureka is available on Netflix Watch Instantly. Check out a few episodes to see if you’re ready to move to this futuristic town where you’re in constant danger of being blown up by someone’s brilliant idea.
One of the coolest things about this show is seeing the insane devices and doodads the writers think up as inventions (what a fun job!) and then wondering how many similar items are actually being worked on in secret labs around the world. Let’s just hope there’s a Sheriff Carter around to save them when things go wrong!
Do you watch Eureka? Are you sad this is the last season? Any wishes for things to happen as they wind things up? How Earnest does Lily look with her letter E?
And if you haven't had a chance, guess the breeds of my dogs for a chance to win a prize.