Cover Reveal + Tweet Tales Tuesday Week 142
October 14, 2014
Before I get to the tweet tales, let’s do a cover reveal! Medeia Sharif is one of the most prolific writers I know. She released a book earlier this summer, and now she has another one coming out in December. I’m honored to be participating in the reveal of this haunting cover:
YA Contemporary, Prizm Books
Release Date December 10, 2014
Deidra Battle wants nothing more than to be invisible. After her mother, a public school teacher, engages in an embarrassing teacher-student affair at Lincoln High, they relocate to a different neighborhood and school. Being her mother’s briefcase, Deidra joins her mother at her new workplace, Hodge High.
Since her mother has reverted to her maiden name and changed her appearance, Deidra thinks no one will figure out they’re the Battles from recent news and that they’re safe. Neither of them is. Hodge brings a fresh set of bullies who discover details about the scandal that changed her life.
Feeling trapped at home with an emotionally abusive, pill-addicted mother and at school with hostile classmates who attempt to assault and blackmail her, Deidra yearns for freedom, even if she has to act out of character and hurt others in the process. Freedom comes at a price.
Find Medeia
Whew, that definitely sounds like some heavy stuff poor Deidra must deal with – I can’t wait to read what happens!
And now for my 15 Minute Tweet Tales:
10/8 – Magician's illustrious career ends with slip of assistant's knife. Sleight of hand is tough when down 3 fingers. Now assistant is the star.
10/9 – She chokes down dog food, imagining it's viands from before the bombs. After 4 months of surviving, it's not even worst thing she's eaten.
10/10 – Ty's tomfoolery in class gets him in trouble, but it always makes Jen smile. From the shouting he hears next door, he knows she needs it.
10/11 – His rejection is a shard of glass to her heart. Wanting him to feel the same pain, she breaks a window and shoves a piece through his chest.

15 Minute Tweet Tales

10/12 – He often practices his gormless expression. People are more likely to talk around a slow janitor, so he's made millions selling secrets.
10/13 – Her doctor said she's sterile. Now all she does is watch episodes of the fecund Duggar family, crying and screaming about the injustice.
10/14 – The red garnitures look like blood splashed around the waiting room,making him extra nervous since the dentist is about to murder his mouth.
Play along and write tweet tales for the above words. If you’re willing to share, post them on twitter with the hashtag #15tt or add them below in the comments because I’d love to read them. Any thoughts about this week's tweet tales or #15tt words?
Before I get to the tweet tales, let’s do a cover reveal! Medeia Sharif is one of the most prolific writers I know. She released a book earlier this summer, and now she has another one coming out in December. I’m honored to be participating in the reveal of this haunting cover:
YA Contemporary, Prizm Books
Release Date December 10, 2014
Deidra Battle wants nothing more than to be invisible. After her mother, a public school teacher, engages in an embarrassing teacher-student affair at Lincoln High, they relocate to a different neighborhood and school. Being her mother’s briefcase, Deidra joins her mother at her new workplace, Hodge High.
Since her mother has reverted to her maiden name and changed her appearance, Deidra thinks no one will figure out they’re the Battles from recent news and that they’re safe. Neither of them is. Hodge brings a fresh set of bullies who discover details about the scandal that changed her life.
Feeling trapped at home with an emotionally abusive, pill-addicted mother and at school with hostile classmates who attempt to assault and blackmail her, Deidra yearns for freedom, even if she has to act out of character and hurt others in the process. Freedom comes at a price.
Find Medeia
Whew, that definitely sounds like some heavy stuff poor Deidra must deal with – I can’t wait to read what happens!
And now for my 15 Minute Tweet Tales:
10/8 – Magician's illustrious career ends with slip of assistant's knife. Sleight of hand is tough when down 3 fingers. Now assistant is the star.
10/9 – She chokes down dog food, imagining it's viands from before the bombs. After 4 months of surviving, it's not even worst thing she's eaten.
10/10 – Ty's tomfoolery in class gets him in trouble, but it always makes Jen smile. From the shouting he hears next door, he knows she needs it.
10/11 – His rejection is a shard of glass to her heart. Wanting him to feel the same pain, she breaks a window and shoves a piece through his chest.

15 Minute Tweet Tales

10/12 – He often practices his gormless expression. People are more likely to talk around a slow janitor, so he's made millions selling secrets.
10/13 – Her doctor said she's sterile. Now all she does is watch episodes of the fecund Duggar family, crying and screaming about the injustice.
10/14 – The red garnitures look like blood splashed around the waiting room,making him extra nervous since the dentist is about to murder his mouth.
Play along and write tweet tales for the above words. If you’re willing to share, post them on twitter with the hashtag #15tt or add them below in the comments because I’d love to read them. Any thoughts about this week's tweet tales or #15tt words?

Jocelyn Rish

Jocelyn Rish is a writer and filmmaker who never imagined her cheeky sense of humor would lead to a book about animal butts. When she's not researching fanny facts, she tutors kids to help them discover the magic of reading. Jocelyn has won numerous awards for her short stories, screenplays, short films, and novels and lives in South Carolina with her booty-ful dogs.